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Our Algorithmic Brain

Unlocking Our Potential for Personal Transformation

By Fleet Maull, Ph.D.


In this blog, we explore the concept of the algorithmic brain and its profound implications for personal transformation, positive evolution and living our best lives. While our brain surpasses any computer system in complexity, the metaphor of computer algorithms provides valuable insights into how our psychology operates and how we can reprogram ourselves for positive change. I would like to invite you to embrace the principles of radical responsibility and gain a deeper understanding of your psychology and brain by examining the algorithms that shape your thoughts and behaviors and recognizing the power we all have to change them for greater life fulfillment and happiness.

The Power of Algorithms

At the core of our conditioning/programming are algorithms—problem-solving routines which can be likened to encoded sets of rules in computer language. These algorithms consist of a series of "if-then" statements, guiding decision-making processes. For example, a computer program might analyze a table of numbers and execute a specific action if a value meets a certain condition. While seemingly simple, these algorithms hold tremendous power. When we reflect on our own psychology and conditioning, it can be humbling to realize how deeply programmed and conditioned we are, and how we often respond to life’s challenges in a very habitual and predictable manner.

Conditioning and Automatic Responses

As spiritual beings, we like to believe in our autonomy and the notion that we make independent decisions. However, the reality is that we are heavily influenced by the conditioning we have undergone since infancy. Our brains function similarly to highly programmed computers—as complex bioelectrical machines with intricate neural circuitry. When we encounter a stimulus or input, our response is often conditioned and automatic. A lot of the time, we react based on our habits and learned behaviors, without much conscious thought at all, as if on an automatic pilot. Even when we are aware of thinking before reacting, we might be surprised to learn how conditioned those thoughts are as well. Approaching something in a truly novel or original manner actually requires considerable intention and awareness.

Recognizing Faulty Algorithms

Although much of our conditioning serves a functional purpose, the problem arises when our algorithms become faulty or no longer serve us. Some of these problem-solving routines stem from primal instincts that prioritize survival and procreation. Others represent the best strategies we could come up with at two, three or four years old to keep ourselves physically or emotionally safe. While crucial in the past, they can hinder our progress and cause harm in our present lives. We may find ourselves engaging in unproductive or even harmful behaviors we wish to avoid or neglecting actions we wish or need to take. This incongruence between our intentions, needs and aspirations and our actual behaviors is a common experience in various aspects of our lives.

The Journey of Reprogramming

Updating our internal algorithms is comparable to debugging software or resolving issues with new computer programs or operating systems. Just as developers identify and fix bugs to enhance performance and usability, we can view our own conditioning and psychology as an ongoing process of updating and refining our algorithms. By recognizing the faulty routines that hinder us and being open to change, we can actively reprogram ourselves to align with our core values and desired behaviors and outcomes.

Identifying Areas for Change

To initiate the process of reprogramming, we need to focus on specific areas where we desire transformation. This requires introspection, self-awareness, and a commitment to personal growth. For instance, many of us struggle with maintaining a healthy lifestyle or overcoming procrastination. By examining these patterns and their underlying dynamics, we can identify the algorithms that drive our actions.

The Habit Loop

Understanding the underlying dynamics is crucial to making effective changes. These dynamics can be broken down into a cue, a behavior, and a reward or payoff. The cue may involve external triggers, such as being around certain foods, people, or work challenges or internal triggers like feeling anxious or lonely. The behavior is the habituated action we take, and the payoff is the immediate reward or relief we experience, even if it may have negative long-term consequences. By identifying these elements, we gain insights into the habit loop that drives our actions.

Replacing Undesired Behaviors

Using the habit loop model as a guide, we can replace undesired behaviors with alternative actions that better align with our goals and values. By substituting harmful actions with healthier or more effective ones that provide a similar or even better reward, we make use of the power of the habit loop to develop new positive habits that support well-being and lead to desirable life outcomes. With practice and repetition, these new habits become psychologically and neurobiologically ingrained, effectively reprogramming our internal algorithms.

While this approach may appear mechanistic to some, it is important to recognize that there is nothing inherent in our behavior or personality that cannot be reprogrammed. A common barrier to positive change is the belief that certain aspects of ourselves are fixed and unchangeable. This belief will be dispelled as we experience ourselves changing in positive ways through practicing these reprogramming techniques.

Embracing Kaizen: Continuous Improvement

Reprogramming ourselves is an ongoing process that does not need to be overwhelming. By embracing the concept of kaizen, or continuous improvement, we can focus on making small improvements each day. Journaling is a helpful tool for identifying patterns and routines that hinder our progress, allowing us to gradually reprogram them one by one. As we witness positive transformations in our lives, we become motivated to tackle the next challenge.

The Empowerment of Reprogramming

Within a relatively short period, we will find ourselves in a different place—physically, mentally, and emotionally—opening up new possibilities and feeling empowered to co-create our own destiny. Embracing this process of radical responsibility for our own future and destiny allows us to take charge of our lives, align with our values, and become our best selves.


Reprogramming the brain is an invitation to unlock our potential for personal transformation. By recognizing the power of algorithms in shaping our psychology, we can actively reprogram ourselves for positive change. This journey requires introspection, self-awareness, and a commitment to growth. As we update our internal algorithms, we align our behaviors with our core values and aspirations, leading to a harmonious and fulfilling life. Embrace the possibilities, embark on the path of reprogramming, and live your best life.

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